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Should you remark or recheck your IGCSE results?

  • by Hosni Showike
  • 17 Aug, 2024

Read this guide before you attempt a remark or recheck

Maximising Your IGCSE Exam Results

In this article, we will explore the steps you can take to optimise your performance by utilising these valuable options. Discover the expert strategies and important considerations to enhance your chances of achieving desired outcomes and maximising your IGCSE exam success.

Rechecking Your IGCSE Exam Papers

Rechecking plays a pivotal role in guaranteeing the accuracy of your IGCSE exam marks. By opting for rechecking, you can seek reassurance that the mark allocation was done correctly, assisting you in identifying any potential discrepancies. A focused rechecking process enables an in-depth review of your IGCSE exam paper, ensuring that each answer has received the appropriate mark.

One of the significant advantages of rechecking is its cost-effectiveness. Unlike the remarking process, rechecking allows you to address mark accuracy concerns without having to go through a complete reevaluation of your IGCSE exam paper. This affordable option provides an opportunity for clarification and peace of mind. Keep in mind that rechecking typically takes a reasonable timeframe of one to two months for completion, so maintaining patience is essential.


Should you desire a more comprehensive reassessment of your IGCSE exam performance, remarking is a suitable choice. Through remarking, your IGCSE exam paper will undergo a meticulous reevaluation by an examiner. This meticulous approach ensures fairness in the marking process and helps align mark allocation correctly with the content of your answers.

While remarking offers an in-depth analysis of your IGCSE exam paper, it’s important to consider the associated costs. Remark requests often involve additional fees, reflecting the extensive nature of the process involved. However, it’s crucial to recognise the potential benefits that remarking carries. In cases where the examiner identifies that you deserve higher marks, you will typically be refunded the remarking fee, making it a worthwhile investment in optimizing your IGCSE exam results.

Factors to Consider: Making Informed Decisions

As you ponder the choice between rechecking and remarking your IGCSE exam papers, several crucial factors warrant your attention. To ensure an informed decision, consider the following:

  1. Grade Boundaries: Familiarize yourself with the grade boundaries specific to the IGCSE curriculum. If your current grade is near the threshold of a higher grade, pursuing remarking may provide a viable opportunity for grade improvement. Conversely, if your mark is closer to a lower grade, rechecking may be the practical choice given the established boundaries.
  2. Timing: Take note of the designated timeframe imposed by the examination board for recheck or remark requests. Ensure you comply with the specified window for submission, avoiding missing out on the chance to optimize your IGCSE exam results.

By thoughtfully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your individual circumstances and aspirations.

In conclusion, capitalizing on the rechecking and remarking process is a strategic approach to maximize your IGCSE exam results. Rechecking ensures mark accuracy and offers transparency, while remarking allows for a thorough reassessment. Make informed decisions based on the IGCSE grade boundaries and adhere to the specified timing requirements. By following these expert strategies, you can proactively enhance your IGCSE exam performance and pave the way for academic success.


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