Online A-level Courses

A-level Biology & Chemistry Courses

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  • Why choose Cambridge 🏫?

    1. Resources: CIE has been offering exams for almost 40 years. This gives a great chance to practice. In addition, CIE provides three variants of each exam paper. This gives a great variety of questions to solve. The more you solve the greater the chance you’ll have similar questions in your actual exam.
    2. Flexible marking: The Cambridge IGCSE exam marking tends to be relatively lenient compared to Edexcel. This gives the students more room to write their answers in their way as long as they are shown an understanding of the concept. In this case, students would spend more time learning the concept rather than memorising the contents
    3. Three exams: CIE offers three exam papers per session, this gives you a better chance to improve your grade in case you didn’t do well on one exam paper. Each exam paper is designed for a specific skill, this gives students the ability to focus on one skill at a time while doing the final preparation
    4. Better scientist: If you are one of those who would be more involved in science in the future, CIE  gives you a better chance to become develop your scientific skills. The curriculum and the type of questions are designed to improve your critical thinking and practical skills which would prepare you to do better at A-levels
  • Why choose Edexcel 🏢?

    1. Fewer details: the Edexcel curriculum is slightly shorter than that of Cambridge; however, with the latest update of the Cambridge syllabus the differences have become much smaller
    2. More straightforward: IGCSE Edexcel questions tend to be more direct than those you have in CIE, this provides more secure marks for students who prefer to memorise the content
    3. No practical exam: unlike CIE, IAL from Edexcel does not have an actual practical exam, this gives international students a great opportunity to get their A-levels without joining a school, it also offers three exam sessions per year, you could possibly finish AS and A2 in one calendar year
    4. Repeat individual unit: Only in Edexcel IAL allows you to repeat an individual unit rather than retaking the entire course in the case of Cambridge. This gives students the chance  to improve their overall by retaking the unit(s) with the lowest grade
  • Final Verdict 🤔

    • For IGCSE: If you are aiming to follow a career in science or if you are taking A-levels then Cambridge IGCSE is a better fit for you. On the other hand, with Edexcel, you  have an easy route to pass an IGCSE science subject to complete your university requirements

    • For A-levels: If you are a private candidate then Edexcel IAL is the only option since Cambridge A-levels are only available in specific schools. Edexcel also allows you to plan and score higher grades in your A-level because of their flexible modular approach
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